Defines HTML Tidy public API implemented by LibTidy.
This public interface provides the entire public API for LibTidy, and is the sole interface that you should use when implementing LibTidy in your own applications.
See tidy.c as an example application implementing the public API.
This API is const-correct and doesn't explicitly depend on any globals. Thus, thread-safety may be introduced without changing the interface.
The API limits all exposure to internal structures and provides only accessors that return simple types such as C strings and integers, which makes it quite suitable for integration with any number of other languages.
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
struct | TidyAllocator |
Tidy's built-in default allocator. More... | |
struct | TidyAllocatorVtbl |
This structure is the function table for an allocator. More... | |
struct | TidyInputSource |
This type defines an input source capable of delivering raw bytes of input. More... | |
struct | TidyOutputSink |
This type defines an output destination capable of accepting raw bytes of output. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef void(TIDY_CALL * | TidyFree) (void *buf) |
Callback for free replacement. More... | |
typedef void *(TIDY_CALL * | TidyMalloc) (size_t len) |
Callback for malloc replacement. More... | |
typedef void(TIDY_CALL * | TidyPanic) (ctmbstr mssg) |
Callback for out of memory panic state. More... | |
typedef void *(TIDY_CALL * | TidyRealloc) (void *buf, size_t len) |
Callback for realloc replacement. More... | |
Functions | |
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL | getErrorCodeList (void) |
Initiates an iterator for a list of message codes available in Tidy. More... | |
uint TIDY_CALL | getNextErrorCode (TidyIterator *iter) |
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with getErrorCodeList(), returns an instance of the opaque type TidyMessageArgument, which serves as a token against which the remaining argument API functions may be used to query information. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyCleanAndRepair (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Execute configured cleanup and repair operations on parsed markup. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyErrorCodeAsKey (uint code) |
Given a message code, return the text key that represents it. More... | |
uint TIDY_CALL | tidyErrorCodeFromKey (ctmbstr code) |
Given a text key representing a message code, return the uint that represents it. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyOptSaveFile (TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr cfgfil) |
Save current settings to named file. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyOptSaveSink (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOutputSink *sink) |
Save current settings to given output sink. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyParseBuffer (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyBuffer *buf) |
Parse markup in given buffer. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyParseFile (TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr filename) |
Parse markup in named file. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyParseSource (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyInputSource *source) |
Parse markup in given generic input source. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyParseStdin (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Parse markup from the standard input. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyParseString (TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr content) |
Parse markup in given string. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyReportDoctype (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Reports the document type into the output sink. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyRunDiagnostics (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Reports the document type and diagnostic statistics on parsed and repaired markup. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidySaveBuffer (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyBuffer *buf) |
Save the tidy document to given TidyBuffer object. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidySaveFile (TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr filename) |
Save the tidy document to the named file. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidySaveSink (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOutputSink *sink) |
Save to given generic output sink. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidySaveStdout (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Save the tidy document to standard output (FILE*). More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidySaveString (TidyDoc tdoc, tmbstr buffer, uint *buflen) |
Save the tidy document to an application buffer. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidySetFreeCall (TidyFree ffree) |
Give Tidy a free() replacement. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidySetMallocCall (TidyMalloc fmalloc) |
Give Tidy a malloc() replacement. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidySetPanicCall (TidyPanic fpanic) |
Give Tidy an "out of memory" handler. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidySetReallocCall (TidyRealloc frealloc) |
Give Tidy a realloc() replacement. More... | |
Instantiation and Destruction | |
TidyDoc TIDY_CALL | tidyCreate (void) |
The primary creation of a document instance. More... | |
TidyDoc TIDY_CALL | tidyCreateWithAllocator (TidyAllocator *allocator) |
Create a document supplying your own, custom TidyAllocator instead of using the built-in default. More... | |
void TIDY_CALL | tidyRelease (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Free all memory and release the TidyDoc. More... | |
Host Application Data | |
void *TIDY_CALL | tidyGetAppData (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Returns the data previously stored with tidySetAppData() . More... | |
void TIDY_CALL | tidySetAppData (TidyDoc tdoc, void *appData) |
Allows the host application to store a chunk of data with each TidyDoc instance. More... | |
LibTidy Version Information | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyLibraryVersion (void) |
Get the version number for the current library. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyPlatform (void) |
Get the platform for which Tidy was built. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyReleaseDate (void) |
Get the release date for the current library. More... | |
Diagnostics and Repair | |
uint TIDY_CALL | tidyAccessWarningCount (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Indicates the number of TidyAccess messages that were generated. More... | |
uint TIDY_CALL | tidyConfigErrorCount (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Indicates the number of configuration error messages that were generated. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyDetectedGenericXml (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Indicates whether or not the input document was XML. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyDetectedHtmlVersion (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Gets the version of HTML that was output, as an integer, times 100. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyDetectedXhtml (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Indicates whether the output document is or isn't XHTML. More... | |
uint TIDY_CALL | tidyErrorCount (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Indicates the number of TidyError messages that were generated. More... | |
void TIDY_CALL | tidyErrorSummary (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Write more complete information about errors to current error sink. More... | |
void TIDY_CALL | tidyGeneralInfo (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Write more general information about markup to current error sink. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyStatus (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Get status of current document. More... | |
uint TIDY_CALL | tidyWarningCount (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Indicates the number of TidyWarning messages that were generated. More... | |
Configuration, File, and Encoding Operations | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyFileExists (TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr filename) |
Determine whether or not a particular file exists. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyLoadConfig (TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr configFile) |
Load an ASCII Tidy configuration file and set the configuration per its contents. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyLoadConfigEnc (TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr configFile, ctmbstr charenc) |
Load a Tidy configuration file with the specified character encoding, and set the configuration per its contents. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidySetCharEncoding (TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr encnam) |
Set the input/output character encoding for parsing markup. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidySetInCharEncoding (TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr encnam) |
Set the input encoding for parsing markup. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidySetOutCharEncoding (TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr encnam) |
Set the input encoding for writing markup. More... | |
Option ID Discovery | |
TidyOptionId TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetId (TidyOption opt) |
Get ID of given Option. More... | |
TidyOptionId TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetIdForName (ctmbstr optnam) |
Returns the TidyOptionId (enum value) by providing the name of a Tidy configuration option. More... | |
Getting Instances of Tidy Options | |
TidyOption TIDY_CALL | tidyGetNextOption (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyIterator *pos) |
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyGetOptionList(), returns the instance of the next TidyOption. More... | |
TidyOption TIDY_CALL | tidyGetOption (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId) |
Retrieves an instance of TidyOption given a valid TidyOptionId. More... | |
TidyOption TIDY_CALL | tidyGetOptionByName (TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr optnam) |
Returns an instance of TidyOption by providing the name of a Tidy configuration option. More... | |
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL | tidyGetOptionList (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Initiates an iterator for a list of TidyOption instances, which allows you to iterate through all of the available options. More... | |
Information About Options | |
TidyConfigCategory TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetCategory (TidyOption opt) |
Get category of given Option. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetDefault (TidyOption opt) |
Get default value of given Option as a string. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetDefaultBool (TidyOption opt) |
Get default value of given Option as a Boolean value. More... | |
ulong TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetDefaultInt (TidyOption opt) |
Get default value of given Option as an unsigned integer. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetName (TidyOption opt) |
Get name of given Option. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetNextPick (TidyOption opt, TidyIterator *pos) |
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyOptGetPickList(), returns a string representing a possible option value. More... | |
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetPickList (TidyOption opt) |
Initiates an iterator for a list of TidyOption pick-list values, which allows you iterate through all of the available option values. More... | |
TidyOptionType TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetType (TidyOption opt) |
Get datatype of given Option. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyOptionIsList (TidyOption opt) |
Indicates that an option takes a list of items. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyOptIsReadOnly (TidyOption opt) |
Is Option read-only? Some options (mainly internal use only options) are read-only. More... | |
Option Value Functions | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyOptCopyConfig (TidyDoc tdocTo, TidyDoc tdocFrom) |
Copy current configuration settings from one document to another. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyOptDiffThanDefault (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Any settings different than default? More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyOptDiffThanSnapshot (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Any settings different than snapshot? More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetBool (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId) |
Get current option value as a Boolean flag. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetCurrPick (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId) |
Get the current pick list value for the option ID, which can be useful for enum types. More... | |
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetDeclTagList (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Initiates an iterator for a list of user-declared tags, including autonomous custom tags detected in the document if TidyUseCustomTags is not set to no. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetEncName (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId) |
Get character encoding name. More... | |
ulong TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetInt (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId) |
Get current option value as an integer. More... | |
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetMutedMessageList (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Initiates an iterator for a list of muted messages. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetNextDeclTag (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId, TidyIterator *iter) |
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyOptGetDeclTagList(), returns a string representing a user-declared or autonomous custom tag. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetNextMutedMessage (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyIterator *iter) |
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyOptGetMutedMessageList(), returns a string representing a muted message. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetNextPriorityAttr (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyIterator *iter) |
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyOptGetPriorityAttrList(), returns a string representing a priority attribute. More... | |
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetPriorityAttrList (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Initiates an iterator for a list of priority attributes. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetValue (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId) |
Get the current value of the option ID for the given document. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyOptParseValue (TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr optnam, ctmbstr val) |
Set named option value as a string, regardless of the TidyOptionType. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyOptResetAllToDefault (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Reset all options to their default values. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyOptResetToDefault (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId opt) |
Reset option to default value by ID. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyOptResetToSnapshot (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Apply a snapshot of config settings to a document. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyOptSetBool (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId, Bool val) |
Set option value as a Boolean flag. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyOptSetInt (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId, ulong val) |
Set option value as an integer. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyOptSetValue (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId, ctmbstr val) |
Set the option value as a string. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyOptSnapshot (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Take a snapshot of current config settings. More... | |
Option Documentation | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetDoc (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOption opt) |
Get the description of the specified option. More... | |
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetDocLinksList (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOption opt) |
Initiates an iterator for a list of options related to a given option. More... | |
TidyOption TIDY_CALL | tidyOptGetNextDocLinks (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyIterator *pos) |
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyOptGetDocLinksList(), returns a TidyOption instance. More... | |
Emacs-compatible reporting support. | |
If you work with Emacs and prefer Tidy's report output to be in a form that is easy for Emacs to parse, then these functions may be valuable. | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyGetEmacsFile (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Get the file path to use for reports when TidyEmacs is being used. More... | |
void TIDY_CALL | tidySetEmacsFile (TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr filePath) |
Set the file path to use for reports when TidyEmacs is being used. More... | |
Error Sink | |
Send Tidy's output to any of several destinations with these functions. | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidySetErrorBuffer (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyBuffer *errbuf) |
Set error sink to given buffer. More... | |
FILE *TIDY_CALL | tidySetErrorFile (TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr errfilnam) |
Set error sink to named file. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidySetErrorSink (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOutputSink *sink) |
Set error sink to given generic sink. More... | |
TidyMessageCallback API | |
When using
| |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessage (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the message with the format string already completed, in Tidy's current localization. More... | |
uint TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessageCode (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the message code. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessageColumn (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the column the message applies to. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessageDefault (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the message with the format string already completed, in Tidy's default localization. More... | |
TidyDoc TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessageDoc (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the tidy document this message comes from. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessageFormat (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the localized format string. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessageFormatDefault (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the default format string, which is the format string for the message in Tidy's default localization (en_us). More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessageIsMuted (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the muted status of the message, that is, whether or not the current configuration indicated that this message should be muted. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessageKey (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the message key string. More... | |
TidyReportLevel TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessageLevel (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the TidyReportLevel of the message. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessageLine (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the line number the message applies to. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessageOutput (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the complete message as Tidy would emit it in the current localization. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessageOutputDefault (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the complete message as Tidy would emit it in the default localization. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessagePos (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the position part part of the message in the current language. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessagePosDefault (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the position part part of the message in the default language. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessagePrefix (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the prefix part of a message in the current language. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessagePrefixDefault (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Get the prefix part of a message in the default language. More... | |
TidyMessageCallback Arguments API | |
When using This API deals strictly with arguments that a message may or may not have; these are the same arguments that Tidy would apply to a format string in order to fill in the placeholder fields and deliver a complete report or dialogue string to you. | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyGetArgFormat (TidyMessage tmessage, TidyMessageArgument *arg) |
Returns the format specifier of the given message argument. More... | |
TidyFormatParameterType TIDY_CALL | tidyGetArgType (TidyMessage tmessage, TidyMessageArgument *arg) |
Returns the TidyFormatParameterType of the given message argument. More... | |
double TIDY_CALL | tidyGetArgValueDouble (TidyMessage tmessage, TidyMessageArgument *arg) |
Returns the double value of the given message argument. More... | |
int TIDY_CALL | tidyGetArgValueInt (TidyMessage tmessage, TidyMessageArgument *arg) |
Returns the integer value of the given message argument. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyGetArgValueString (TidyMessage tmessage, TidyMessageArgument *arg) |
Returns the string value of the given message argument. More... | |
uint TIDY_CALL | tidyGetArgValueUInt (TidyMessage tmessage, TidyMessageArgument *arg) |
Returns the unsigned integer value of the given message argument. More... | |
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL | tidyGetMessageArguments (TidyMessage tmessage) |
Initiates an iterator for a list of arguments related to a given message. More... | |
TidyMessageArgument TIDY_CALL | tidyGetNextMessageArgument (TidyMessage tmessage, TidyIterator *iter) |
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyGetMessageArguments(), returns an instance of the opaque type TidyMessageArgument, which serves as a token against which the remaining argument API functions may be used to query information. More... | |
Nodes for Document Sections | |
TidyNode TIDY_CALL | tidyGetBody (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Get the BODY node. More... | |
TidyNode TIDY_CALL | tidyGetHead (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Get the HEAD node. More... | |
TidyNode TIDY_CALL | tidyGetHtml (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Get the HTML node. More... | |
TidyNode TIDY_CALL | tidyGetRoot (TidyDoc tdoc) |
Get the root node. More... | |
Relative Nodes | |
TidyNode TIDY_CALL | tidyGetChild (TidyNode tnod) |
Get the child of the indicated node. More... | |
TidyNode TIDY_CALL | tidyGetNext (TidyNode tnod) |
Get the next sibling node. More... | |
TidyNode TIDY_CALL | tidyGetParent (TidyNode tnod) |
Get the parent of the indicated node. More... | |
TidyNode TIDY_CALL | tidyGetPrev (TidyNode tnod) |
Get the previous sibling node. More... | |
Miscellaneous Node Functions | |
TidyNode TIDY_CALL | tidyDiscardElement (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyNode tnod) |
Remove the indicated node. More... | |
Node Attribute Functions | |
void TIDY_CALL | tidyAttrDiscard (TidyDoc itdoc, TidyNode tnod, TidyAttr tattr) |
Discard an attribute. More... | |
TidyAttr TIDY_CALL | tidyAttrFirst (TidyNode tnod) |
Get the first attribute. More... | |
TidyAttr TIDY_CALL | tidyAttrGetById (TidyNode tnod, TidyAttrId attId) |
Get an instance of TidyAttr by specifying an attribute ID. More... | |
TidyAttrId TIDY_CALL | tidyAttrGetId (TidyAttr tattr) |
Get the attribute ID given a tidy attribute. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyAttrIsEvent (TidyAttr tattr) |
Indicates whether or not a given attribute is an event attribute. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyAttrName (TidyAttr tattr) |
Get the name of a TidyAttr instance. More... | |
TidyAttr TIDY_CALL | tidyAttrNext (TidyAttr tattr) |
Get the next attribute. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyAttrValue (TidyAttr tattr) |
Get the value of a TidyAttr instance. More... | |
Additional Node Interrogation | |
uint TIDY_CALL | tidyNodeColumn (TidyNode tnod) |
Get the column location of the node. More... | |
TidyTagId TIDY_CALL | tidyNodeGetId (TidyNode tnod) |
Get the tag ID of the node. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyNodeGetName (TidyNode tnod) |
Get the name of the node. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyNodeGetText (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyNode tnod, TidyBuffer *buf) |
Gets the text of a node and places it into the given TidyBuffer. More... | |
TidyNodeType TIDY_CALL | tidyNodeGetType (TidyNode tnod) |
Get the type of node. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyNodeGetValue (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyNode tnod, TidyBuffer *buf) |
Get the value of the node. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyNodeHasText (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyNode tnod) |
Indicates whether or not the node has text. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyNodeIsHeader (TidyNode tnod) |
Indicates whether or not a node represents and HTML header element, such as h1, h2, etc. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyNodeIsProp (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyNode tnod) |
Indicates whether or not the node is a propriety type. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyNodeIsText (TidyNode tnod) |
Indicates whether or not a node is a text node. More... | |
uint TIDY_CALL | tidyNodeLine (TidyNode tnod) |
Get the line number where the node occurs. More... | |
Tidy's Locale | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyGetLanguage (void) |
Gets the current language used by Tidy. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidySetLanguage (ctmbstr languageCode) |
Tells Tidy to use a different language for output. More... | |
Locale Mappings | |
const tidyLocaleMapItem *TIDY_CALL | getNextWindowsLanguage (TidyIterator *iter) |
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with getWindowsLanguageList(), returns a pointer to a tidyLocaleMapItem, which can be further interrogated with TidyLangWindowsName() or TidyLangPosixName(). More... | |
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL | getWindowsLanguageList (void) |
Initiates an iterator for a list of Tidy's Windows<->POSIX locale mappings. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | TidyLangPosixName (const tidyLocaleMapItem *item) |
Given a tidyLocaleMapItem , return the POSIX name. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | TidyLangWindowsName (const tidyLocaleMapItem *item) |
Given a tidyLocaleMapItem , return the Windows name. More... | |
Getting Localized Strings | |
uint TIDY_CALL | getNextStringKey (TidyIterator *iter) |
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with getStringKeyList(), returns an unsigned integer representing the next key value. More... | |
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL | getStringKeyList (void) |
Initiates an iterator for a list of string key codes available in Tidy. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyDefaultString (uint messageType) |
Provides a string given messageType in the default localization (which is en ). More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyLocalizedString (uint messageType) |
Provides a string given messageType in the current localization for the single case. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | tidyLocalizedStringN (uint messageType, uint quantity) |
Provides a string given messageType in the current localization for quantity . More... | |
Available Languages | |
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL | getInstalledLanguageList (void) |
Initiates an iterator for a list of Tidy's installed languages. More... | |
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL | getNextInstalledLanguage (TidyIterator *iter) |
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with getInstalledLanguageList(), returns a string representing a language name that is installed in Tidy. More... | |
Input Source | |
If you wish to write to your own input sources, then these types, structs, and functions will allow them to work seamlessly with Tidy. | |
#define | EndOfStream (~0u) |
End of input "character". More... | |
typedef Bool(TIDY_CALL * | TidyEOFFunc) (void *sourceData) |
Input Callback: is end of input? More... | |
uint TIDY_CALL | tidyGetByte (TidyInputSource *source) |
Helper: get next byte from input source. More... | |
typedef int(TIDY_CALL * | TidyGetByteFunc) (void *sourceData) |
Input Callback: get next byte of input. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyInitSource (TidyInputSource *source, void *srcData, TidyGetByteFunc gbFunc, TidyUngetByteFunc ugbFunc, TidyEOFFunc endFunc) |
Facilitates user defined source by providing an entry point to marshal pointers-to-functions. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyIsEOF (TidyInputSource *source) |
Helper: check if input source at end. More... | |
void TIDY_CALL | tidyUngetByte (TidyInputSource *source, uint byteValue) |
Helper: unget byte back to input source. More... | |
typedef void(TIDY_CALL * | TidyUngetByteFunc) (void *sourceData, byte bt) |
Input Callback: unget a byte of input. More... | |
Option Callback Functions | |
typedef Bool(TIDY_CALL * | TidyConfigCallback) (TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr option, ctmbstr value) |
This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback function should you wish to register one with tidySetConfigCallback(). More... | |
typedef void(TIDY_CALL * | TidyConfigChangeCallback) (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOption option) |
This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback function should you wish to register one with tidySetConfigChangeCallback(). More... | |
typedef Bool(TIDY_CALL * | TidyOptCallback) (ctmbstr option, ctmbstr value) |
This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback function should you wish to register one with tidySetOptionCallback(). More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidySetConfigCallback (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyConfigCallback pConfigCallback) |
Applications using TidyLib may want to augment command-line and configuration file options. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidySetConfigChangeCallback (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyConfigChangeCallback pCallback) |
Applications using TidyLib may want to be informed when changes to options are made. More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidySetOptionCallback (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptCallback pOptCallback) |
Applications using TidyLib may want to augment command-line and configuration file options. More... | |
Output Sink | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidyInitSink (TidyOutputSink *sink, void *snkData, TidyPutByteFunc pbFunc) |
Facilitates user defined sinks by providing an entry point to marshal pointers-to-functions. More... | |
void TIDY_CALL | tidyPutByte (TidyOutputSink *sink, uint byteValue) |
Helper: send a byte to output. More... | |
typedef void(TIDY_CALL * | TidyPutByteFunc) (void *sinkData, byte bt) |
Output callback: send a byte to output. More... | |
Error and Message Callbacks - TidyReportFilter | |
A simple callback to filter or collect messages by diagnostic level, for example, TidyInfo, TidyWarning, etc. Its name reflects its original purpose as a filter, by which your application can inform LibTidy whether or not to output a particular report. | |
typedef Bool(TIDY_CALL * | TidyReportFilter) (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyReportLevel lvl, uint line, uint col, ctmbstr mssg) |
This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback function should you wish to register one with tidySetReportFilter(). More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidySetReportFilter (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyReportFilter filtCallback) |
This function informs Tidy to use the specified callback to send reports. More... | |
Error and Message Callbacks - TidyReportCallback | |
A simple callback to filter or collect messages reported by Tidy. Unlike TidyReportFilter, more data are provided (including a
| |
typedef Bool(TIDY_CALL * | TidyReportCallback) (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyReportLevel lvl, uint line, uint col, ctmbstr code, va_list args) |
This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback function should you wish to register one with tidySetReportCallback(). More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidySetReportCallback (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyReportCallback filtCallback) |
This function informs Tidy to use the specified callback to send reports. More... | |
Error and Message Callbacks - TidyMessageCallback | |
A sophisticated and extensible callback to filter or collect messages reported by Tidy. It returns only an opaque type | |
typedef Bool(TIDY_CALL * | TidyMessageCallback) (TidyMessage tmessage) |
This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback function should you wish to register one with tidySetMessageCallback(). More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidySetMessageCallback (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyMessageCallback filtCallback) |
This function informs Tidy to use the specified callback to send reports. More... | |
Printing | |
LibTidy applications can somewhat track the progress of the tidying process by using this provided callback. It relates where something in the source document ended up in the output. | |
typedef void(TIDY_CALL * | TidyPPProgress) (TidyDoc tdoc, uint line, uint col, uint destLine) |
This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback function should you wish to register one with tidySetMessageCallback(). More... | |
Bool TIDY_CALL | tidySetPrettyPrinterCallback (TidyDoc tdoc, TidyPPProgress callback) |
This function informs Tidy to use the specified callback for tracking the pretty-printing process progress. More... | |