Make bare HTML: remove Microsoft cruft.
MATH (HTML5) [i_a]2 MathML embedded in [X]HTML.
If yes last modied time is preserved.
Convert document to HTML 4 transitional content model.
Coerce end tags from start tags where probably intended.
Draconian cleaning for Word2000.
Option IDs Used to get/set option values.
If yes text in blocks is wrapped in P's.
Replace hex color attribute values with names.
Hides all (real) comments in output.
Newline+indent before each attribute.
CSS class naming for -clean option.
Use DOS/Windows style: CR+LF.
Wrap within JavaScript string literals.
Mode controlling treatment of duplicate Attributes.
If set to yes adds xml:space attr as needed.
If yes text at body is wrapped in P's.
Output tags in upper not lower case.
Legacy name for TidyOmitOptionalTags.
Keep first or last duplicate attribute.
Replace presentational clutter by style rules.
Markup options: (X)HTML version, etc.
Mode controlling treatment of doctype.
Applies URI encoding if necessary.
Join multiple style attributes.
No 'Parsing X', guessed DTD or summary.
AutoBool values used by ParseBool, ParseTriState, ParseIndent, ParseBOM.
Output plain HTML, even for XHTML input.
Convert document to HTML 4 strict content model.
Output naked ampersand as &.
degree to which markup is spread out vertically
If true attributes may use newlines.
Wrap within PHP pseudo elements.
If true format error output for GNU Emacs.
Join multiple class attributes.
Discard empty p elements.
Mode controlling treatment of sorting attributes.
Output BODY content only.
Discard presentation tags.
In/out character encoding.
Output newline before or not?
Output line ending (default to platform)
Convert quotes and dashes to nearest ASCII char.
Categories of Tidy configuration options.
File name to write errors to.
Fix comments with adjacent hyphens.
Output attributes in upper not lower case.
Create slides on each h2 element.
Replace sections with escaped text.
Output character encoding (if different)
Fix URLs by replacing \ with /.
Replace i by em and b by strong.
Output document even if errors were found.
Input character encoding (if different)
Indentation n spaces/tabs.
Indent using tabs istead of spaces.
Suppress optional start tags and end tags.
I/O or file system error.
Skip nested tags in script and style CDATA.
Indent content of appropriate tags.
Folds known attribute values to lower case.
If set to yes PIs must end with ?>
Default text for alt attribute.
Error message - output suppressed.
Output non-breaking space as entity.
Set DOCTYPE FPI explicitly.
Merge nested B and I elements.
If true, info-level messages are shown.
Wrap within ASP pseudo elements.
Option data types.
Style sheet for slides: not used for anything yet.