Enumerator |
TidyUnknownOption |
Unknown option!
TidyIndentSpaces |
Indentation n spaces/tabs.
TidyWrapLen |
Wrap margin.
TidyTabSize |
Expand tabs to n spaces.
TidyCharEncoding |
In/out character encoding.
TidyInCharEncoding |
Input character encoding (if different)
TidyOutCharEncoding |
Output character encoding (if different)
TidyNewline |
Output line ending (default to platform)
TidyDoctypeMode |
See doctype property.
TidyDoctype |
User specified doctype.
TidyDuplicateAttrs |
Keep first or last duplicate attribute.
TidyAltText |
Default text for alt attribute.
TidySlideStyle |
Style sheet for slides: not used for anything yet.
TidyErrFile |
File name to write errors to.
TidyOutFile |
File name to write markup to.
TidyWriteBack |
If true then output tidied markup.
TidyShowMarkup |
If false, normal output is suppressed.
TidyShowInfo |
If true, info-level messages are shown.
TidyShowWarnings |
However errors are always shown.
TidyQuiet |
No 'Parsing X', guessed DTD or summary.
TidyIndentContent |
Indent content of appropriate tags.
"auto" does text/block level content indentation
TidyCoerceEndTags |
Coerce end tags from start tags where probably intended.
TidyOmitOptionalTags |
Suppress optional start tags and end tags.
TidyHideEndTags |
Legacy name for TidyOmitOptionalTags.
TidyXmlTags |
Treat input as XML.
TidyXmlOut |
Create output as XML.
TidyXhtmlOut |
Output extensible HTML.
TidyHtmlOut |
Output plain HTML, even for XHTML input.
Yes means set explicitly.
TidyXmlDecl |
Add <?xml?> for XML docs.
TidyUpperCaseTags |
Output tags in upper not lower case.
TidyUpperCaseAttrs |
Output attributes in upper not lower case.
TidyMakeBare |
Make bare HTML: remove Microsoft cruft.
TidyMakeClean |
Replace presentational clutter by style rules.
TidyGDocClean |
Clean up HTML exported from Google Docs.
TidyLogicalEmphasis |
Replace i by em and b by strong.
TidyDropPropAttrs |
Discard proprietary attributes.
TidyDropFontTags |
Discard presentation tags.
TidyDropEmptyElems |
Discard empty elements.
TidyDropEmptyParas |
Discard empty p elements.
TidyFixComments |
Fix comments with adjacent hyphens.
TidyBreakBeforeBR |
Output newline before
or not?
TidyBurstSlides |
Create slides on each h2 element.
TidyNumEntities |
Use numeric entities.
TidyQuoteMarks |
Output " marks as ".
TidyQuoteNbsp |
Output non-breaking space as entity.
TidyQuoteAmpersand |
Output naked ampersand as &.
TidyWrapAttVals |
Wrap within attribute values.
TidyWrapScriptlets |
Wrap within JavaScript string literals.
TidyWrapSection |
Wrap within <![ ...
]> section tags
TidyWrapAsp |
Wrap within ASP pseudo elements.
TidyWrapJste |
Wrap within JSTE pseudo elements.
TidyWrapPhp |
Wrap within PHP pseudo elements.
TidyFixBackslash |
Fix URLs by replacing \ with /.
TidyIndentAttributes |
Newline+indent before each attribute.
TidyXmlPIs |
If set to yes PIs must end with ?>
TidyXmlSpace |
If set to yes adds xml:space attr as needed.
TidyEncloseBodyText |
If yes text at body is wrapped in P's.
TidyEncloseBlockText |
If yes text in blocks is wrapped in P's.
TidyKeepFileTimes |
If yes last modied time is preserved.
TidyWord2000 |
Draconian cleaning for Word2000.
TidyMark |
Add meta element indicating tidied doc.
TidyEmacs |
If true format error output for GNU Emacs.
TidyEmacsFile |
Name of current Emacs file.
TidyLiteralAttribs |
If true attributes may use newlines.
TidyBodyOnly |
Output BODY content only.
TidyFixUri |
Applies URI encoding if necessary.
TidyLowerLiterals |
Folds known attribute values to lower case.
TidyHideComments |
Hides all (real) comments in output.
TidyIndentCdata |
Indent <!CDATA[ ...
]]> section
TidyForceOutput |
Output document even if errors were found.
TidyShowErrors |
Number of errors to put out.
TidyAsciiChars |
Convert quotes and dashes to nearest ASCII char.
TidyJoinClasses |
Join multiple class attributes.
TidyJoinStyles |
Join multiple style attributes.
TidyEscapeCdata |
Replace <![CDATA[]]> sections with escaped text.
TidyLanguageNotUsed |
TidyNCRNotUsed |
TidyOutputBOMNotUsed |
TidyReplaceColor |
Replace hex color attribute values with names.
TidyCSSPrefix |
CSS class naming for -clean option.
TidyInlineTags |
Declared inline tags.
TidyBlockTags |
Declared block tags.
TidyEmptyTags |
Declared empty tags.
TidyPreTags |
Declared pre tags.
TidyAccessibilityCheckLevel |
Accessibility check level 0 (old style), or 1, 2, 3.
TidyVertSpace |
degree to which markup is spread out vertically
TidyPunctWrapNotUsed |
TidyMergeEmphasis |
Merge nested B and I elements.
TidyMergeDivs |
Merge multiple DIVs.
TidyDecorateInferredUL |
Mark inferred UL elements with no indent CSS.
TidyPreserveEntities |
Preserve entities.
TidySortAttributes |
Sort attributes.
TidyMergeSpans |
Merge multiple SPANs.
TidyAnchorAsName |
Define anchors as name attributes.
TidyPPrintTabs |
Indent using tabs istead of spaces.
Must be last.