152 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS 256 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS 257 void* (
TIDY_CALL *alloc)( TidyAllocator *
size_t nBytes );
258 void* (
TIDY_CALL *realloc)(TidyAllocator *
void *block,
size_t nBytes );
259 void (
TIDY_CALL *free)(TidyAllocator *
void *block);
263 void* *alloc(TidyAllocator *
269 void* *realloc(TidyAllocator *
276 void *free(TidyAllocator *
289 void *panic(TidyAllocator *
1064 #define EndOfStream (~0u) 1078 typedef struct _TidyInputSource
1128 typedef struct _TidyOutputSink
2062 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS TidyGetByteFunc getByte
Pointer to "get byte" callback.
Definition: tidy.h:1082
int TIDY_CALL tidyParseSource(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyInputSource *source)
Parse markup in given generic input source.
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetDeclTagList(TidyDoc tdoc)
Initiates an iterator for a list of user-declared tags, including autonomous custom tags detected in ...
TidyNode TIDY_CALL tidyGetHtml(TidyDoc tdoc)
Get the HTML node.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessageIsMuted(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the muted status of the message, that is, whether or not the current configuration indicated that...
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptResetToDefault(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId opt)
Reset option to default value by ID.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetNextPriorityAttr(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyIterator *iter)
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyOptGetPriorityAttrList(), returns a string representing...
TidyTagId TIDY_CALL tidyNodeGetId(TidyNode tnod)
Get the tag ID of the node.
uint TIDY_CALL tidyAccessWarningCount(TidyDoc tdoc)
Indicates the number of TidyAccess messages that were generated.
TidyOptionType TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetType(TidyOption opt)
Get datatype of given Option.
int TIDY_CALL tidyRunDiagnostics(TidyDoc tdoc)
Reports the document type and diagnostic statistics on parsed and repaired markup.
TidyMessageArgument TIDY_CALL tidyGetNextMessageArgument(TidyMessage tmessage, TidyIterator *iter)
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyGetMessageArguments(), returns an instance of the opaqu...
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetMutedMessageList(TidyDoc tdoc)
Initiates an iterator for a list of muted messages.
uint TIDY_CALL tidyGetArgValueUInt(TidyMessage tmessage, TidyMessageArgument *arg)
Returns the unsigned integer value of the given message argument.
void TIDY_CALL tidyUngetByte(TidyInputSource *source, uint byteValue)
Helper: unget byte back to input source.
Message severity level, used throughout LibTidy to indicate the severity or status of a message...
Definition: tidyenum.h:1375
int TIDY_CALL tidyDetectedHtmlVersion(TidyDoc tdoc)
Gets the version of HTML that was output, as an integer, times 100.
Bool(TIDY_CALL * TidyConfigCallback)(TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr option, ctmbstr value)
This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback function should you wish to...
Definition: tidy.h:597
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeGetText(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyNode tnod, TidyBuffer *buf)
Gets the text of a node and places it into the given TidyBuffer.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetDefault(TidyOption opt)
Get default value of given Option as a string.
TidyNode TIDY_CALL tidyGetBody(TidyDoc tdoc)
Get the BODY node.
TidyDoc TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessageDoc(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the tidy document this message comes from.
TidyNode TIDY_CALL tidyGetNext(TidyNode tnod)
Get the next sibling node.
Bool(TIDY_CALL * TidyReportFilter)(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyReportLevel lvl, uint line, uint col, ctmbstr mssg)
This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback function should you wish to...
Definition: tidy.h:1221
int TIDY_CALL tidySaveString(TidyDoc tdoc, tmbstr buffer, uint *buflen)
Save the tidy document to an application buffer.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyGetArgValueString(TidyMessage tmessage, TidyMessageArgument *arg)
Returns the string value of the given message argument.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetMessageCallback(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyMessageCallback filtCallback)
This function informs Tidy to use the specified callback to send reports.
A TidyBuffer is chunk of memory that can be used for multiple I/O purposes within Tidy...
Definition: tidybuffio.h:36
int TIDY_CALL tidySaveSink(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOutputSink *sink)
Save to given generic output sink.
TidyOption TIDY_CALL tidyGetNextOption(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyIterator *pos)
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyGetOptionList(), returns the instance of the next TidyO...
int TIDY_CALL tidySetErrorSink(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOutputSink *sink)
Set error sink to given generic sink.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessageFormatDefault(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the default format string, which is the format string for the message in Tidy's default localizat...
int TIDY_CALL tidySaveStdout(TidyDoc tdoc)
Save the tidy document to standard output (FILE*).
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyDetectedXhtml(TidyDoc tdoc)
Indicates whether the output document is or isn't XHTML.
int TIDY_CALL tidyGetArgValueInt(TidyMessage tmessage, TidyMessageArgument *arg)
Returns the integer value of the given message argument.
uint TIDY_CALL tidyGetByte(TidyInputSource *source)
Helper: get next byte from input source.
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetDocLinksList(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOption opt)
Initiates an iterator for a list of options related to a given option.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetPrettyPrinterCallback(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyPPProgress callback)
This function informs Tidy to use the specified callback for tracking the pretty-printing process pro...
Known HTML attributes.
Definition: tidyenum.h:1013
void TIDY_CALL tidySetAppData(TidyDoc tdoc, void *appData)
Allows the host application to store a chunk of data with each TidyDoc instance.
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetPickList(TidyOption opt)
Initiates an iterator for a list of TidyOption pick-list values, which allows you iterate through all...
int TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessageLine(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the line number the message applies to.
uint TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessageCode(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the message code.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetLanguage(ctmbstr languageCode)
Tells Tidy to use a different language for output.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyPlatform(void)
Get the platform for which Tidy was built.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyGetEmacsFile(TidyDoc tdoc)
Get the file path to use for reports when TidyEmacs is being used.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptionIsList(TidyOption opt)
Indicates that an option takes a list of items.
TidyDoc TIDY_CALL tidyCreateWithAllocator(TidyAllocator *allocator)
Create a document supplying your own, custom TidyAllocator instead of using the built-in default...
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessageKey(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the message key string.
const tidyLocaleMapItem *TIDY_CALL getNextWindowsLanguage(TidyIterator *iter)
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with getWindowsLanguageList(), returns a pointer to a tidyLocale...
void TIDY_CALL tidySetEmacsFile(TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr filePath)
Set the file path to use for reports when TidyEmacs is being used.
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL getWindowsLanguageList(void)
Initiates an iterator for a list of Tidy's Windows<->POSIX locale mappings.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeGetValue(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyNode tnod, TidyBuffer *buf)
Get the value of the node.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetReportFilter(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyReportFilter filtCallback)
This function informs Tidy to use the specified callback to send reports.
int TIDY_CALL tidyStatus(TidyDoc tdoc)
Get status of current document.
TidyNodeType TIDY_CALL tidyNodeGetType(TidyNode tnod)
Get the type of node.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptSetBool(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId, Bool val)
Set option value as a Boolean flag.
TidyOption TIDY_CALL tidyGetOptionByName(TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr optnam)
Returns an instance of TidyOption by providing the name of a Tidy configuration option.
int TIDY_CALL tidySetInCharEncoding(TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr encnam)
Set the input encoding for parsing markup.
TidyFormatParameterType TIDY_CALL tidyGetArgType(TidyMessage tmessage, TidyMessageArgument *arg)
Returns the TidyFormatParameterType of the given message argument.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetEncName(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId)
Get character encoding name.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptDiffThanSnapshot(TidyDoc tdoc)
Any settings different than snapshot?
Bool(TIDY_CALL * TidyMessageCallback)(TidyMessage tmessage)
This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback function should you wish to...
Definition: tidy.h:1286
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptResetToSnapshot(TidyDoc tdoc)
Apply a snapshot of config settings to a document.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessageOutput(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the complete message as Tidy would emit it in the current localization.
TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetById(TidyNode tnod, TidyAttrId attId)
Get an instance of TidyAttr by specifying an attribute ID.
int(TIDY_CALL * TidyGetByteFunc)(void *sourceData)
Input Callback: get next byte of input.
Definition: tidy.h:1067
void *TIDY_CALL tidyGetAppData(TidyDoc tdoc)
Returns the data previously stored with tidySetAppData().
void *(TIDY_CALL * TidyRealloc)(void *buf, size_t len)
Callback for realloc replacement.
Definition: tidy.h:300
TidyPutByteFunc putByte
Pointer to "put byte" callback.
Definition: tidy.h:1132
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyInitSource(TidyInputSource *source, void *srcData, TidyGetByteFunc gbFunc, TidyUngetByteFunc ugbFunc, TidyEOFFunc endFunc)
Facilitates user defined source by providing an entry point to marshal pointers-to-functions.
void TIDY_CALL tidyRelease(TidyDoc tdoc)
Free all memory and release the TidyDoc.
int TIDY_CALL tidyParseString(TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr content)
Parse markup in given string.
void *(TIDY_CALL * TidyMalloc)(size_t len)
Callback for malloc replacement.
Definition: tidy.h:297
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptSnapshot(TidyDoc tdoc)
Take a snapshot of current config settings.
TidyOptionId TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetIdForName(ctmbstr optnam)
Returns the TidyOptionId (enum value) by providing the name of a Tidy configuration option...
Known HTML element types.
Definition: tidyenum.h:852
FILE *TIDY_CALL tidySetErrorFile(TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr errfilnam)
Set error sink to named file.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsHeader(TidyNode tnod)
Indicates whether or not a node represents and HTML header element, such as h1, h2, etc.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyNodeGetName(TidyNode tnod)
Get the name of the node.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetDefaultBool(TidyOption opt)
Get default value of given Option as a Boolean value.
void * sourceData
Input context.
Definition: tidy.h:1080
Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetReallocCall(TidyRealloc frealloc)
Give Tidy a realloc() replacement.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyFileExists(TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr filename)
Determine whether or not a particular file exists.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetNextPick(TidyOption opt, TidyIterator *pos)
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyOptGetPickList(), returns a string representing a possi...
Option IDs are used used to get and/or set configuration option values and retrieve their description...
Definition: tidyenum.h:569
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyDetectedGenericXml(TidyDoc tdoc)
Indicates whether or not the input document was XML.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetReportCallback(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyReportCallback filtCallback)
This function informs Tidy to use the specified callback to send reports.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessageFormat(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the localized format string.
Separated public enumerations header providing important indentifiers for LibTidy and internal users...
void TIDY_CALL tidyAttrDiscard(TidyDoc itdoc, TidyNode tnod, TidyAttr tattr)
Discard an attribute.
Instances of this type represent messages generated by Tidy in reference to your document.
TidyNode TIDY_CALL tidyDiscardElement(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyNode tnod)
Remove the indicated node.
int TIDY_CALL tidySetErrorBuffer(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyBuffer *errbuf)
Set error sink to given buffer.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessagePosDefault(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the position part part of the message in the default language.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptResetAllToDefault(TidyDoc tdoc)
Reset all options to their default values.
TidyNode TIDY_CALL tidyGetPrev(TidyNode tnod)
Get the previous sibling node.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetNextDeclTag(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId, TidyIterator *iter)
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyOptGetDeclTagList(), returns a string representing a us...
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetNextMutedMessage(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyIterator *iter)
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyOptGetMutedMessageList(), returns a string representing...
const ctmbstr TIDY_CALL TidyLangPosixName(const tidyLocaleMapItem *item)
Given a tidyLocalMapItem, return the POSIX name.
int TIDY_CALL tidyParseBuffer(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyBuffer *buf)
Parse markup in given buffer.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetBool(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId)
Get current option value as a Boolean flag.
ulong TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetDefaultInt(TidyOption opt)
Get default value of given Option as an unsigned integer.
int TIDY_CALL tidySetOutCharEncoding(TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr encnam)
Set the input encoding for writing markup.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptIsReadOnly(TidyOption opt)
Is Option read-only? Some options (mainly internal use only options) are read-only.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessageOutputDefault(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the complete message as Tidy would emit it in the default localization.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyLibraryVersion(void)
Get the version number for the current library.
TidyOption TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetNextDocLinks(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyIterator *pos)
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with tidyOptGetDocLinksList(), returns a TidyOption instance...
const ctmbstr TIDY_CALL TidyLangWindowsName(const tidyLocaleMapItem *item)
Given a tidyLocalMapItem, return the Windows name.
int TIDY_CALL tidyOptSaveSink(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOutputSink *sink)
Save current settings to given output sink.
Indicates the data type of a format string parameter used when Tidy emits reports and dialogue as par...
Definition: tidyenum.h:1395
int TIDY_CALL tidyLoadConfigEnc(TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr configFile, ctmbstr charenc)
Load a Tidy configuration file with the specified character encoding, and set the configuration per i...
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyGetArgFormat(TidyMessage tmessage, TidyMessageArgument *arg)
Returns the format specifier of the given message argument.
int TIDY_CALL tidyReportDoctype(TidyDoc tdoc)
Reports the document type into the output sink.
void(TIDY_CALL * TidyUngetByteFunc)(void *sourceData, byte bt)
Input Callback: unget a byte of input.
Definition: tidy.h:1070
int TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessageColumn(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the column the message applies to.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptDiffThanDefault(TidyDoc tdoc)
Any settings different than default?
void(TIDY_CALL * TidyFree)(void *buf)
Callback for free replacement.
Definition: tidy.h:303
void(TIDY_CALL * TidyConfigChangeCallback)(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOption option)
This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback function should you wish to...
Definition: tidy.h:616
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptSetValue(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId, ctmbstr val)
Set the option value as a string.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetName(TidyOption opt)
Get name of given Option.
Tidy's built-in default allocator.
Definition: tidy.h:246
uint TIDY_CALL tidyErrorCodeFromKey(ctmbstr code)
Given a text key representing a message code, return the uint that represents it. ...
uint TIDY_CALL tidyNodeColumn(TidyNode tnod)
Get the column location of the node.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetMallocCall(TidyMalloc fmalloc)
Give Tidy a malloc() replacement.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrName(TidyAttr tattr)
Get the name of a TidyAttr instance.
Single nodes of a TidyDocument are represented by this datatype.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyIsEOF(TidyInputSource *source)
Helper: check if input source at end.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetOptionCallback(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptCallback pOptCallback)
Applications using TidyLib may want to augment command-line and configuration file options...
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessagePrefixDefault(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the prefix part of a message in the default language.
const TidyAllocatorVtbl * vtbl
The allocator's function table.
Definition: tidy.h:247
TidyNode TIDY_CALL tidyGetParent(TidyNode tnod)
Get the parent of the indicated node.
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL getInstalledLanguageList(void)
Initiates an iterator for a list of Tidy's installed languages.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessageDefault(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the message with the format string already completed, in Tidy's default localization.
This structure is the function table for an allocator.
Definition: tidy.h:253
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsText(TidyNode tnod)
Indicates whether or not a node is a text node.
int TIDY_CALL tidyLoadConfig(TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr configFile)
Load an ASCII Tidy configuration file and set the configuration per its contents. ...
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyAttrIsEvent(TidyAttr tattr)
Indicates whether or not a given attribute is an event attribute.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyGetLanguage(void)
Gets the current language used by Tidy.
Bool(TIDY_CALL * TidyEOFFunc)(void *sourceData)
Input Callback: is end of input?
Definition: tidy.h:1073
void(TIDY_CALL * TidyPanic)(ctmbstr mssg)
Callback for out of memory panic state.
Definition: tidy.h:306
void * sinkData
Output context.
Definition: tidy.h:1130
int TIDY_CALL tidySaveBuffer(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyBuffer *buf)
Save the tidy document to given TidyBuffer object.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyErrorCodeAsKey(uint code)
Given a message code, return the text key that represents it.
This type defines an output destination capable of accepting raw bytes of output. ...
Definition: tidy.h:1128
TidyConfigCategory TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetCategory(TidyOption opt)
Get category of given Option.
double TIDY_CALL tidyGetArgValueDouble(TidyMessage tmessage, TidyMessageArgument *arg)
Returns the double value of the given message argument.
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL getErrorCodeList(void)
Initiates an iterator for a list of message codes available in Tidy.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetFreeCall(TidyFree ffree)
Give Tidy a free() replacement.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetDoc(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOption opt)
Get the description of the specified option.
int TIDY_CALL tidyCleanAndRepair(TidyDoc tdoc)
Execute configured cleanup and repair operations on parsed markup.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptSetInt(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId, ulong val)
Set option value as an integer.
int TIDY_CALL tidyParseFile(TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr filename)
Parse markup in named file.
uint TIDY_CALL tidyConfigErrorCount(TidyDoc tdoc)
Indicates the number of configuration error messages that were generated.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeHasText(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyNode tnod)
Indicates whether or not the node has text.
TidyNode TIDY_CALL tidyGetRoot(TidyDoc tdoc)
Get the root node.
void(TIDY_CALL * TidyPutByteFunc)(void *sinkData, byte bt)
Output callback: send a byte to output.
Definition: tidy.h:1122
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyLocalizedStringN(uint messageType, uint quantity)
Provides a string given messageType in the current localization for quantity.
uint TIDY_CALL tidyErrorCount(TidyDoc tdoc)
Indicates the number of TidyError messages that were generated.
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL tidyGetOptionList(TidyDoc tdoc)
Initiates an iterator for a list of TidyOption instances, which allows you to iterate through all of ...
uint TIDY_CALL tidyWarningCount(TidyDoc tdoc)
Indicates the number of TidyWarning messages that were generated.
TidyNode TIDY_CALL tidyGetChild(TidyNode tnod)
Get the child of the indicated node.
TidyDoc TIDY_CALL tidyCreate(void)
The primary creation of a document instance.
int TIDY_CALL tidyParseStdin(TidyDoc tdoc)
Parse markup from the standard input.
ulong TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetInt(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId)
Get current option value as an integer.
uint TIDY_CALL getNextErrorCode(TidyIterator *iter)
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with getErrorCodeList(), returns an instance of the opaque type ...
Bool(TIDY_CALL * TidyOptCallback)(ctmbstr option, ctmbstr value)
This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback function should you wish to...
Definition: tidy.h:573
Bool(TIDY_CALL * TidyReportCallback)(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyReportLevel lvl, uint line, uint col, ctmbstr code, va_list args)
This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback function should you wish to...
Definition: tidy.h:1260
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetCurrPick(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId)
Get the current pick list value for the option ID, which can be useful for enum types.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetConfigCallback(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyConfigCallback pConfigCallback)
Applications using TidyLib may want to augment command-line and configuration file options...
void TIDY_CALL tidyGeneralInfo(TidyDoc tdoc)
Write more general information about markup to current error sink.
uint TIDY_CALL tidyNodeLine(TidyNode tnod)
Get the line number where the node occurs.
void TIDY_CALL tidyErrorSummary(TidyDoc tdoc)
Write more complete information about errors to current error sink.
TidyUngetByteFunc ungetByte
Pointer to "unget" callback.
Definition: tidy.h:1083
TidyAttrId TIDY_CALL tidyAttrGetId(TidyAttr tattr)
Get the attribute ID given a tidy attribute.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptCopyConfig(TidyDoc tdocTo, TidyDoc tdocFrom)
Copy current configuration settings from one document to another.
TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrNext(TidyAttr tattr)
Get the next attribute.
Instances of this represent a Tidy document, which encapsulates everything there is to know about a s...
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyInitSink(TidyOutputSink *sink, void *snkData, TidyPutByteFunc pbFunc)
Facilitates user defined sinks by providing an entry point to marshal pointers-to-functions.
Instances of this type represent the arguments that compose part of the message represented by TidyMe...
int TIDY_CALL tidyOptSaveFile(TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr cfgfil)
Save current settings to named file.
uint TIDY_CALL getNextStringKey(TidyIterator *iter)
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with getStringKeyList(), returns an unsigned integer representin...
TidyReportLevel TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessageLevel(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the TidyReportLevel of the message.
TidyAttr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrFirst(TidyNode tnod)
Get the first attribute.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyLocalizedString(uint messageType)
Provides a string given messageType in the current localization for the single case.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyReleaseDate(void)
Get the release date for the current library.
Node types.
Definition: tidyenum.h:831
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessagePos(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the position part part of the message in the current language.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyNodeIsProp(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyNode tnod)
Indicates whether or not the node is a propriety type.
int TIDY_CALL tidySaveFile(TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr filename)
Save the tidy document to the named file.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetPanicCall(TidyPanic fpanic)
Give Tidy an "out of memory" handler.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessage(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the message with the format string already completed, in Tidy's current localization.
TidyOption TIDY_CALL tidyGetOption(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId)
Retrieves an instance of TidyOption given a valid TidyOptionId.
Categories of Tidy configuration options, which are used mostly by user interfaces to sort Tidy optio...
Definition: tidyenum.h:694
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetPriorityAttrList(TidyDoc tdoc)
Initiates an iterator for a list of priority attributes.
A Tidy configuration option can have one of these data types.
Definition: tidyenum.h:701
void TIDY_CALL tidyPutByte(TidyOutputSink *sink, uint byteValue)
Helper: send a byte to output.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessagePrefix(TidyMessage tmessage)
Get the prefix part of a message in the current language.
Instances of this represent a Tidy configuration option, which contains useful data about these optio...
Attributes of a TidyNode are represented by this data type.
TidyOptionId TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetId(TidyOption opt)
Get ID of given Option.
int TIDY_CALL tidySetCharEncoding(TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr encnam)
Set the input/output character encoding for parsing markup.
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL tidyGetMessageArguments(TidyMessage tmessage)
Initiates an iterator for a list of arguments related to a given message.
Bool TIDY_CALL tidySetConfigChangeCallback(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyConfigChangeCallback pCallback)
Applications using TidyLib may want to be informed when changes to options are made.
void(TIDY_CALL * TidyPPProgress)(TidyDoc tdoc, uint line, uint col, uint destLine)
This typedef represents the required signature for your provided callback function should you wish to...
Definition: tidy.h:1532
Bool TIDY_CALL tidyOptParseValue(TidyDoc tdoc, ctmbstr optnam, ctmbstr val)
Set named option value as a string, regardless of the TidyOptionType.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyDefaultString(uint messageType)
Provides a string given messageType in the default localization (which is en).
TidyEOFFunc eof
Pointer to "eof" callback.
Definition: tidy.h:1084
TidyNode TIDY_CALL tidyGetHead(TidyDoc tdoc)
Get the HEAD node.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyAttrValue(TidyAttr tattr)
Get the value of a TidyAttr instance.
TidyIterator TIDY_CALL getStringKeyList(void)
Initiates an iterator for a list of string key codes available in Tidy.
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL getNextInstalledLanguage(TidyIterator *iter)
Given a valid TidyIterator initiated with getInstalledLanguageList(), returns a string representing a...
ctmbstr TIDY_CALL tidyOptGetValue(TidyDoc tdoc, TidyOptionId optId)
Get the current value of the option ID for the given document.