HTML Tidy  5.2.0
The HTACG Tidy HTML Project
tidy command

Running the tidy command

tidy [options...] [file...] [options...] [file...]
Utility to clean up and pretty print HTML/XHTML/XML.

This is modern HTML Tidy version 5.2.0.

Command Line Arguments for HTML Tidy for Mac OS X:

File manipulation
 -output , -o  write output to the specified                 
 -config             set configuration options from the specified  
 -file , -f    write errors and warnings to the specified    
 -modify, -m               modify the original input files                     

Processing directives
 -indent, -i               indent element content                              
 -wrap , -w        wrap text at the specified . 0 is assumed if
                    is missing. When this option is omitted,   
                           the default of the configuration option 'wrap'      
 -upper, -u                force tags to upper case                            
 -clean, -c                replace FONT, NOBR and CENTER tags with CSS         
 -bare, -b                 strip out smart quotes and em dashes, etc.          
 -gdoc, -g                 produce clean version of html exported by Google    
 -numeric, -n              output numeric rather than named entities           
 -errors, -e               show only errors and warnings                       
 -quiet, -q                suppress nonessential output                        
 -omit                     omit optional start tags and end tags               
 -xml                      specify the input is well formed XML                
 -asxml, -asxhtml          convert HTML to well formed XHTML                   
 -ashtml                   force XHTML to well formed HTML                     
 -access            do additional accessibility checks ( = 0, 1, 
                           2, 3). 0 is assumed if  is missing.          

Character encodings
 -raw                      output values above 127 without conversion to       
 -ascii                    use ISO-8859-1 for input, US-ASCII for output       
 -latin0                   use ISO-8859-15 for input, US-ASCII for output      
 -latin1                   use ISO-8859-1 for both input and output            
 -iso2022                  use ISO-2022 for both input and output              
 -utf8                     use UTF-8 for both input and output                 
 -mac                      use MacRoman for input, US-ASCII for output         
 -win1252                  use Windows-1252 for input, US-ASCII for output     
 -ibm858                   use IBM-858 (CP850+Euro) for input, US-ASCII for    
 -utf16le                  use UTF-16LE for both input and output              
 -utf16be                  use UTF-16BE for both input and output              
 -utf16                    use UTF-16 for both input and output                
 -big5                     use Big5 for both input and output                  
 -shiftjis                 use Shift_JIS for both input and output             

 -version, -v              show the version of Tidy                            
 -help, -h, -?             list the command line options                       
 -help-config              list all configuration options                      
 -show-config              list the current configuration settings             